Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Confetti: Dog and Cat

Confetti: Dog and Cat This was a painting that I struggled from beginning and stayed with the struggle until I picked up my brush. I fought again against: the idea of domesticated animals versus wild life, which species of domestic dog and cat etc. I just had to have faith in the author’s visions and go and paint in the flow meditating on the theme. Remarkably, this painting took every little time. There are times when it feels like the painting is meant to be and I just happen to be the one painting it. This is one of those paintings. I am still joyful about this painting and for me whenever I look at this painting: spontaneity and following my passion joyfully is very much the theme. This was a painting for the theme of: Spontaneity/ act now. How do I follow my passion? Original painting size: 50cm/100cm Robin

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Last Straw

Last Straw: Donkey Sometimes I laugh so hard while I am painting. This painting is one of those times. This poor little guy was pushing it up the mountain with this heavy load and he was not happy about it, neither would I in fact. Anger and frustration are often emotions people do not want to express. These emotions are huge motivators to move us forward and change that which is not working. Hence in the end, it is a positive thing. It just doesn't feel good in the moment. But moving forward is moving forward, and sometimes these things have just got to be done. Robin

Fox and Armadillo

Fox and Armadillo This is one of the few paintings that to me remind me of an Aesop's Fable. I still feel like in the future this painting will go through a metamorphosis but we will see. The purpose of this painting was for the book and the Author's wanted to communicate: Whom do I associate with?, networking, rejection or approval, do I sometimes wear my armour out loud, how this all effect my relationships. This was a huge theme process. I think the painting does provide for all these topics of discussion. Yet, in the future I still see a metamorphosis coming..... Robin

Construction Zone: Ants

Construction Zone: Carpenter Ants We have these ants everywhere in Ecuador. I see them a lot especially in the jungle. They are trodding across the hiking trails to home base and do whatever it is that ants do. In fact, the jungle is an insect place. Amazing, and here there is such a diversity of "bugs". I am always so aware of these little ants, I don't want to ruin their destined path, and actually it is more of a highway.... Robin

Art Group: Otters

Art Group: Otters When I was still living in Canada, I was involved in an art marketing group. I miss them all so much. There were serious times of planning, marketing research, goal setting, practicing talking about the art etc. to help us understand the more commercial part of the art process. However there was also time spent making jokes, laughing and supporting each other. Art is way more than just the end result, it is connecting with others. You can be a teacher and help other growing artist, you can be in a show and communicate with others as they ask questions or just sit back and observe, whatever. But at the end of the day my perception of art is connecting with others and expressing yourself sometimes when words just can't do it for you. Robin

If Jackson Pollock was a Fish: Salmon

If Jackson Pollock was a Fish: Salmon This was so much fun. I can see the fun when I look at it. I was dribbling paint remembering and honoring the time when I watched Jackson Pollock paint many years ago. He really was an artist who when painting, flowed and lived in the moment. Living in the moment is very difficult but when I paint I have to be very present and yet not. I have to become the painting or paint or process whatever it is you desire to call it. When this happens for me, you can really see it in the painting. The painting is more natural and intense. The feeling during and after is .... Incredible. When you look at paintings this way and you will learn so much more from art. We had spawning salmon pass by our former house across the street in Enderby. They were so interesting and incredible. They are so much a part of the environment and so much depends on them, I am glad when I see the environmentalist finding ways to make their life process easier and more fruitful. Protecting them helps to protect the entire web but other parts of the web need protecting and help also. Robin


Rachelle Here is one of the few paintings that I have done of real people. My daughter asked for a painting of herself for her birthday one year. I think it was an actual challenge to see if I could. Remarkable this painting took very little time and was highly successful. It was a fun process. And I proved to her that yes I can paint people also. In my family, we make each other gifts and buy presents, this came from when we were in a more financially challenged time. The custom is still very much alive, and I prefer it, even if it so much more works. I love to see what these children of mine come up with. Creativity needs to be nurtured. Robin