Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Andean toucan

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Andean Toucan When I finally get the opportunity to take photos, I take hundreds of one subject to get one that will work for a painting. It must have a unique point of view, must be natural, something that the animal actually can do. It should not normally be posed etc. This photo was a unique shot that still showed the timid nature of the bird and still allowed for full appreciation of it. This time I created a red background to frame the bird to its fullest beauty and have a little fun with the bird’s energy. The Andean Toucan can be found in my area in Banos, Tungurahua Ecuador, which made it all the more interesting to find them. Unfortunately, I have only found one and it was in the Banos’s Zoo. This toucan is not nearly as big as some of its relatives but I love the plumage and of course the beautiful colors of the beak. Robin


At April 16, 2010 at 3:15 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

Hi Robin,
We love this painting, great light and a wonderful background.
Valerie and Beve


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