Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mommy Look!: Capuchin monkeys

Mommy Look!: Capuchin Monkeys There I was again, in the zoo, trying not to make a pest of myself, when I spotted this mom and baby. After taking, over a fifty photo's, they sat back and ignored me. As the baby showed its mommy the booboo it got while trying to play with me. The mom examined the ouchy and kissed it better. All mommy's do this for their babies. It just goes to show you that we humans have a lot more in common than we think. I have been to a village in the jungle called Misihualli (sp?). We were warned not to leave various articles out in the open in the open restaurants. The capuchin monkeys were brought into the village as pets or rejected pets and have taken over the town. These are highly intelligent creatures and learn easily. One of the things that that learned was to combat the pests that bother them, small bugs and such. One of their favorite choices of booty after food is bug repellent. They will swoop down, in less than a heartbeat they have acquired your much needed bug repellent and are quickly smearing it in all the itchy places. They also have figured out that onions can do the same thing. Humans however are opposed to smelling of onions and much prefers to smell of evil chemicals. So who is the wiser? Think about that during times when you have a chance to experience the wildlife around you. Your appreciation will grow and you will grow in you humanity. Robin


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