Friday, September 24, 2010

Life, Death and Everything in Between: Wild flower

Life, Death and Everything in Between: wild flower There I was walking around with my camera in the mountains. In the afternoon sun there were occasionally in different fields these flowers growing wild. Sometimes in Ecuador you think the powers that be, god or Mother Nature or whoever in the world is in this occupation of creation, had a spasm of happiness and felt that spot there needs a little color and there it pops up. This was also a challenge for me as one time in an art show a passerby said you are not a real artist until you can paint a flower. You have to realize that this was quite a few years ago and it has been festering a bit in my brain. So finally, after seeing this inspiration, I have painted the flower; I guess I am an artist now. I had originally painted it on a sky blue background and found that it was really boring and very typical. I had a thought/fantasy of where the powers that be live or Mother Nature would like to live and came up with this flower sitting in the living room, jazzing it up. The results pleased me a great deal. I love the pink against the blue and the texture differences. Give yourself the right to play and experiment, the results may surprise you. Robin

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

up-loaded paintings again

Hi all
I finally up-loaded some more paintings, about 12 in all and I kept the flower painting in hiding until I am ready to prove to you all that I can paint flowers. Even though it is done, I have to admit flowers are not my calling..........
It has been a rather sad time here in Ecuador. At the mouth of the jungle, Puyo to be exact, there, in what we would call the rain forest, has not been rain for at least a month. Now most of you don't realize this but in a rain forest, it should rain every day and then have rainy season on top of that. Yes, it is time to be concerned. A rain forest where there is not rain, hmmmmm. The trees are drooping from dryness, but the logging persists. Maybe we humans are being irresponsible with the earth........
We are now safely back in Ecuador. After three full and long days, I did get my stolen articles back from the police. I didn't even have to beg, much, or drop a few extra coin. It was taxing though. The following week, I went back to Quito to the Canadian Embassy to find out what happened with the court case and also to try and get a commendation to the police officer who not only caught the theives but ensured our safety during the whole event and ensured police escorts. Thankfully that is almost over. I have yet to give him and his wife our gifts of thanks. That will come when I go to Puyo.
I do have to say this though, Canada was very expensive, from travel, to gas, to food. I also found the people genuinely stressed out and for the most part especially in certain banking establishments (tellers), and other business (tellers), needing long and extended breaks to help with their stressed out attitudes and maybe finding more fulfilling careers in less of the service industry, perhaps night custodian is a suggestion........or maybe summer caretaker at a ski lodge.... When I left Canada, I felt the stress of life but the stress has only accelerated. I am glad for that to be back, although I found that I brought back with me some of the angst. I think that after a while, I will get in touch with that softer side that I enjoy. Maybe those people should not drink coffee, and maybe visit a counsilor or take up bread making so that they can beat up the dough .......
I have started teaching school again and unhappily the chemistry with Dane has already consumed the whole day, from 10-6 with only a short break for lunch. Rachelle has started her schooling with new zest and understanding of the importance of completing school. Since they had such a huge success with the Leap Program in Powel River, Rachelle especially, has decided that she would like to return to that extended leadership course and the success that it brings. I highly recommend the Leap Program, as I have watched the changes it provided for my kids. So on the whole school thing, I hope that it will be a good year. I am helping teaching the math and chemistry, my worst subjects and the joy of which reminds me of teeth pulling. Fortunately, my favorite subject of biology is padding the dreadful blow.
For breaks this year, I purchased a sony e-reader and I can continue to consume and enjoy ENGLISH books with my usual passion. I also am hoping to go intensely back to raw foods and also exercise. I have to say that often when I am finished with schooling, my battery is completely empty and there is not enough left to wink. I am looking forward to a time where schooling will no longer be a big part of my life. I think that I have done enough that way when the kids are finished school. I have to say that when I say that I have been present for my kids, I have been really present and attentive for them. I feel that I have done all that I could and that I like to think that my kids have turned out pretty good. Of course, we are not done yet, not even close and the pat on the back is early...... I do love them very much and would have never done what I have if I didn't, not for anyone else, let me tell you.
Enough ranting there......
To my delight, the young lady that was taking care of the house and the dogs and the garden, was happily living here. We really do enjoy those alternative people as we are also that way, real people appreciating real people. I asked her about the cutting of the grass, and she said that she couldn't find the protective glasses so she used what she thought best. We have some fun and goofy sunglasses here, (to break tension and deal with stress and day to day living) in the shape of cocktail glasses, beer glasses, dice, guitars and flamingos. She used those. That is the kind of fun that I find neccessary for living well. A chuckle and lightness is good for the soul. I can just see her cutting the grass with beer glasses or flamingo's protecting her eyes and changing her job from boring to fun.
I am now in my studio thinking of all that I wanted to say and thought of saying and all the clever things that I was going to say but as school has taken its tole, I find my brain a empty tired space. So on this note, with lack of inspiration and the threat of boring you to tears, I will conclude.
Be patient with each other even if you don't understand why, compassion is your friend.

Jungle Impression: 3 paintings

Jungle Impression This painting comes from the Jungle of Ecuador in the city of Puyo. I had stayed with a friend on her farm in the jungle and felt those eyes watching me. The eyes were not bent on my destruction, but more of observation: observing me. When you are in the jungle, expect bugs in all shapes and sizes. The bug world here is fascinating. The plants in the rainforest glow with live and unbelievable diversity. I often have found the plants and flowers here brought to this earth by a being with unlimited creativity. Enjoy the three panels that complete this painting. Robin

lion's gate

Lion's Gate
While trekking in my mind one day, and also in my vast supply of books, back in Canada, I came across this scene. I immediately felt the connection and old memories came back to me in abundance. I remembered meeting with other people, perhaps their energy. I remember the purpose of this gate. Now for you the observer you might feel that it was a dream and maybe it was. But the purpose of the painting is to provide you with the ability to journey with me. Enjoy the journey or simply stay at home. Both choices are good.

devine feminine

Devine Feminine
This painting is the celebration of being female. In the past, the woman has not been as celebrated, she has been down played repressed. In this time, woman is reviving herself, she is embracing her. It is both a wonderful and difficult time to be both sexes, as both have the opportunity to explore, grow and heal to create a new and more balanced life.
Robin, enjoy finding your balance.

Lost in Thought: Toucan

Lost in Thought: Toucan When I found this bird, it was behind the wires of the cage. It was in a fabulous zoo built on cliffs above the Pastaza River in Banos, Tungurahua, Ecuador. However, this beautiful bird was condemned to live its life behind the wires of the cage. I believe it was fantasizing about life beyond the metal wires and small space. I believe that if it could share with you what it was missing it was the green energy and flow of the jungle that which it could vividly or vaguely remember. Who knows how it would remember life in the jungle, I think it was the rhythm and feel of it. Remember to honor and protect those who cannot. Robin

Up for a View: Sea Turtle

Up for a View: Sea Turtle I was traveling on my own for the first time in a long time, with the sole purpose of photographing wildlife for paintings. I had decided to visit what they call, "The Poor Man's Galapagos". It is an island of the coast of Ecuador near the pueblo of Puerto Lopez. This is a lovely little town, nice people and good food. This is Isla Plato. Isla Plato or it English is called Island of silver/money, depending how you want to look at it. There is supposed to be treasure buried there but I found animals and birds, the real treasure. Mostly birds seemed to dominate the place. I am really a person who prefers mammals to birds but here was the chance for something different, a turtle. This creature is the valiant, long living modern day dinosaur. I happened with great luck to capture it on my camera. These creatures are so in need of protection and be allowed to live as they deserve. There are special places along the beaches of Puerto Lopez that protect their nesting sites, you can also volunteer to help them or donate moneys to this deserving cause. Anyway enough of my rant, here are the results of the turtle. In water which was busy, and distracting I caught its' head. There you have it, be quick or you will miss him. Robin

My Critics: King Vulture

My Critics: King Vulture In my life, being well........different, I have found that I always had a gang of critics behind me. I was a kid with "learning issues" and this caused great concern for many. It also created the opportunity for my "betters" the opportunity to down play me and build them up. I often regressed into myself and created art and tried my best to ignore those who couldn't understand or accept me. However, there they were always in the back of my mind biting at my heels. So when I had the chance to take pictures of these guys, their snotty looks reminded me of my critics. The wonderful thing is that I got to show people how they felt to me and could make it easier for me to accept them, acknowledge them and let them go. I thank these birds for making it possible for me to understand them and let the whole thing go and just enjoy them for what they are fabulous. Robin

Shattered: Spectacled Bear

Shattered: Spectacled Bear Being Canadian and raised to respect wild life and having a husband whose totem is the bear, I love and desire to protect all animals. Unfortunately, here in Ecuador this is not always the case. These animals are on the brink of extinction and I found this fellow in the Quito Zoo. It was soooooo sad; it was heart wrenching to look at. It also felt like its' time on earth was soon to pass. It was looking at a picture that had dropped on the floor, shattered. One of the reasons this beautiful animal is hunted is because one of its favorite foods in corn. Unfortunately people like corn as well. So now we have competition for food and the bear loses. Please help to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Robin

Iguana color

Iguana Color Iguanas in Ecuador can be found in the Iguana Park in Guyaquil, but I found these fellows in the Banos Zoo, in Ecuador. I am sure that there are many places that you can find them. For some reason they can come in many colors sizes and shapes. They can be an experiment in color that will delight your eyes. It can help you imagine all the colors that the dinosaurs could be. This was a huge experiment in painting with sculptural acrylic paste. If you were to pass you hand over the iguana you will feel the lumps and bumps that create its skin. These creatures come in rainbows of color. They are quick, colorful and can be quite territorial. They are great fun to paint, but require a lot of patience. Normally, I can paint very quickly, but this painting taught me and reminded me that each piece of the painting should be honored and appreciated. Have fun with this painting and maybe you will also have the opportunity to pass you hand over its skin. Robin

Pigeon in Quito

Pigeon in Quito So there I was, admiring the architecture and majesty of the buildings in Quito. I was thinking this is not such a great place for a wildlife artist to take photos, when there you have it......up high on one of the ledges with a beautiful stone or concrete sphinx was this cocky little fellow. Who says there is not wildlife in the city? You just have to open your eyes and look to appreciate who will try and put up living with humans......the Pigeon... So there you go Robin

Mommy Look!: Capuchin monkeys

Mommy Look!: Capuchin Monkeys There I was again, in the zoo, trying not to make a pest of myself, when I spotted this mom and baby. After taking, over a fifty photo's, they sat back and ignored me. As the baby showed its mommy the booboo it got while trying to play with me. The mom examined the ouchy and kissed it better. All mommy's do this for their babies. It just goes to show you that we humans have a lot more in common than we think. I have been to a village in the jungle called Misihualli (sp?). We were warned not to leave various articles out in the open in the open restaurants. The capuchin monkeys were brought into the village as pets or rejected pets and have taken over the town. These are highly intelligent creatures and learn easily. One of the things that that learned was to combat the pests that bother them, small bugs and such. One of their favorite choices of booty after food is bug repellent. They will swoop down, in less than a heartbeat they have acquired your much needed bug repellent and are quickly smearing it in all the itchy places. They also have figured out that onions can do the same thing. Humans however are opposed to smelling of onions and much prefers to smell of evil chemicals. So who is the wiser? Think about that during times when you have a chance to experience the wildlife around you. Your appreciation will grow and you will grow in you humanity. Robin