Monday, March 4, 2013

Above it All: Tropic Bird

Above it all: Tropic Bird While I was on my solo adventure (I was told by my partner to leave, get some rest and take a break) around Ecuador, I went on a tour to Isla Plato. It is also called the poor man's Galapagos. In many ways this is true. This Island is protected and is more or less a bird’s sanctuary. However the sea life is not only of birds but they do dominate the place. As we were hiking around the island there was a particularly interesting cliff and I kept seeing this white with red bits dodging around in the air above a violent and stormy looking rocky coastline. I kept clicking like crazy with my camera trying to capture it on photo to see what it was. I thought maybe one of the other birds, like the Nazca Boobie or an albatross or whatever, I had to look it up and there it was a Tropic bird with beautiful beak and elegant tail. This was a great place to take photos and look around, but remember bring water and good walking shoes. The authors of the book used this painting to express: Awareness/see for the first time. Can I see the bigger picture? I think that they chose well. Robin


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