Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Secret: Coyote & Raven

The Secret: Coyote & Raven The next two paintings are both of a coyote and raven. I researched and found different characteristics for both of these to creature. This painting is somehow more serious and intimate. Although the coyote is in a play bow, the interaction between the two of them is more intimate. It does look like there is more of secret information being passed. The purpose of the painting or theme of this painting is to be: Creativity/ perceive new ways in doing things. How resourceful and I? There is a natural relationship in the wild that can form with coyote and ravens. They are both highly intelligent animals, you can often see them both at kill sites interacting. They are both very clever when hunting or savaging for food. These animals are unfortunately stereotyped with cartoons for children with Wiley Coyote and Heckle and Jeckle. We need to look beyond our ideas of these animals and respect them all the more for surviving and adapting successfully in our modern times. Robin


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