Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Choice and Destiny: Shark

Choice and Destiny: Bull Shark This paintings purpose was to be: Integration/Know that there are many paths. Do I have a chosen path? This was one of those painting that was extremely difficult to ensure the theme went with the meditations/ideas of the authors. This is a very difficult set of questions/statements but this is actually quite in tune with the shark. The shark is very misunderstood. Their purpose is clear being on of the most efficient hunters on Earth, but they are not evil, and clearly they are following their path no matter what humans say. Actually it is not the saying of humans but the actions. Humans are quite willing on any spare occasion to hunt these perfect balance beings to extinction. If we get out of our own self destructive way, our path will become clear. We often use our thinking brain to guide us and not our feeling, intuition brain to move forward. When this happens the natural turn of events is destroyed and we become out of balance and we follow paths that are not natural to use and end up being dissatisfying. A very wise woman had this sticker on the back of her car, "Don't believe everything you think". Interesting, hmm.... Robin


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